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RE: Red Hat 6 Server Question

It will only format the drives you specify, which is 
usually the drive that your are installing to, and the
related swap partition. Just make sure you specify
the right drive and partition, and you should be ok.
Also, Red Hat's Disk Druid has a tendency to make
the swap partition an extended partition with a 
strting partition number of 5. Have fun.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Travis Davies [SMTP:tddavies@yahoo.com]
> Sent:	Thursday, November 11, 1999 12:23 PM
> To:	luci-discuss@luci.org
> Subject:	Red Hat 6 Server Question 
> I have a computer with two hard drives in it. The
> drive on the secondary Hard drive controller is
> installed with Suse, and The hard drive on the Primary
> Hard drive controller I would like to install red hat
> on as a server. But when I am going through the
> installation, it lets me know that in order to install
> red hat as a server it will format my drives. My
> question is, will only format the drive that is going
> to have red hat installed to it or will it format all
> the drive atatched to my machine?
> =====
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