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Re: corel

Mark Blunier said:
> The main one is the 'pre-depends', (which is a pathetic name).  There
> are some packages that must be installed in the proper order to keep
> things working, such as when upgrading to elf or glibc.  Normally
> it is not needed, but its always nice to have the right tool for the
> job even if you don't need it very often.

If the package installer (the program, that is) would just install in
a reasonably sane order according to the dependencies, that probably
wouldn't be necessary.

One of the things that is truly infuriating about the HP-UX package
tools is that you can specify prerequisites, and swinstall then
completely ignores them...

> Likewise, I'm not saying rpm sucks either. (I might say slackware sucks,
> but its been so long since I've used it, I probably shouldn't).

No, it does.  We can agree on that.  ;-)

In all fairness to Patrick though, I have to give him credit that
Slackware has, and always had has, a package management system.  It's
just that it is a *really* lame one, with no idea of dependencies and
such, and everybody completely ignores it.  But it's there.

> I'm not sure what you are talking about by the 'some funky directory'
> stuff.

Never mind.  My mind is wandering to the half-dozen other systems I've

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