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Procmail to block "ILOVEYOU"

  So I see in the recent CERT note some procmail rules for blocking the
standard ILOVEYOU thingy. I'm running rh5.2 (more or less, possibly with a
more advanced sendmail, the sendmail.cf calls procmail) and I can't tell
where to put the rules. There *must* be a system-wide procmailrc (or
something) that is run. Where should I find it.

running a grep -i procmail on /etc/sendmail.cf gets:

sendmail.cf:#####  @(#)local_procmail.m4        8.6 (Berkeley) 10/20/96
sendmail.cf:###   PROCMAIL Mailer specification   ###
sendmail.cf:#####  @(#)procmail.m4      8.6 (Berkeley) 4/30/97  #####
sendmail.cf:Mprocmail,  P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=DFMSPhnu9, S=11/31,
R=21/31, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
sendmail.cf:            A=procmail -Y -m $h $f $u
sendmail.cf:Mlocal,     P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9,
S=10/30, R=20/40,
sendmail.cf:    A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u

So it does seem to be called as part of sendmail. Where do I add rules?


Erich Schroeder                    Phone: (217)785-0033
Curator, Information Technologies  FAX:   (217)785-2857
Illinois State Museum GIS Lab      Internet: erich@museum.state.il.us

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