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that intell 440GX motherboard issue :)

i've been wrestling all morning with an intel 440 motherboard and trying 
to get RH7.2 to install properly. I managed to read over the bugzilla docs 
to find a link to this excellent workaround:


however, after following this, on boot, linux seems to cycle through the 
scsi id on two scsi controllers. generally it times out, and even after it 
finds the hard drive off of scsi0, it complains that it times out and 
then resets.

i'm pretty new to scsi under linux, but i didnt expect such troubles. 
anybody deal with one of these motherboards? also, should i expect such 
troubles with an ide harddrive? the scsi controllers are present on the 
motherboard, so i would expect to still see them. anyone know of a way to 
disable the scsi controllers on the board?

thanks -c

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