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Re: the problem of spam

Erich Schroeder wrote:
> On a slightly different subject, but not too different.
> I know that we have a few people here who read mail from pop accounts 
> from other ISPs. Has anyone seen or implemented a filter/checker for 
> pop/imap traffic that is otherwise not passing through the servers they 
> control?

I've not used them, but there are a couple listed on the SpamAssassin 
"where" page:

PO3: http://mcd.perlmonk.org/pop3proxy/
IMAP: http://sourceforge.net/projects/imapassassin

I've had users download mail with fetchmail and deliver it through 
procmail (which then pipes thorough spamc).  It might be just about as 
easy to use, say, webmin/usermin to help them configure fetchmail as it 
would be to set up a proxy...


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