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Re: Sendmail.cf with Virtusers support?

Charles J Menzes said:
> but now I am faced with creating the hash file used by the virtusertable
> feature. when i attempt:
> 	makemap -v hash virtusertable
> 	with virtusertable being the file containing my list of 
> 	virtual users and their corresponding true mail desitinations.
> the process never seems to finish.
> Is my syntax incorrect for the makemap statement?

Yes.  :-)

What you want to do is create the table in a file named something like
virtusertable.txt, then do "makemap hash virtusertable <
virtusertable.txt".  Since makemap reads from stdin, it just looks
like it was sitting there the way you were running it.  (Actually, it
was just sitting there waiting for input.)

steve@silug.org           | Linux Users of Central Illinois
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