Saturday July 27, 2024

Linux Users of Central Illinois

The Linux Users Group of Springfield, Illinois and the surrounding area.

Some other users groups in the area:
Chicagoland Linux Users Group

Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
Springfield Perl Mongers
Unix Hobbyists', Administrators' & Coders' Club

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The luci-announce mailing list is a low-volume, moderated mailing list (now averaging two posts per month) for meeting announcements/cancelations and other important news for the users group. To subscribe, send mail to with
subscribe luci-announce
in the body of the message. If you plan to attend any meetings, be sure you subscribe to the announcements list. That is the only place meeting cancellations will be announced!

Follow the link above for an archive of all posts to the list.

The luci-discuss mailing list is a low-to-moderate-volume mailing list for discussion of any topic of interest to the mailing list. To subscribe, send mail to with
subscribe luci-discuss
in the body of the message.

The archive:

Contact Us || Links || Mailing lists || About/Credits
Last updated Tue Feb 13 15:27:28 2001.