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disk (It's that time again.)

Just so everyone is aware, I am now officially unable to keep the disk
usage on the mirrors filesystem on our web server under 90%.  I can
probably move some stuff around to make sure we don't run out of space
immediately, but now is probably a good time to start talking about
buying another disk.

In case anyone is wondering, here's a list of what we're currently

    ALSA (an alternate sound driver, not a big disk hog)
    CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, not a big disk hog)
    LDP (Linux Documentation Project, well worth whatever it uses)
    LI (a very old, out-dated mirror of the Linux International site)
    Mozilla (partial mirror, since it's a *huge* disk hog)
    PAM (barely uses space at all)
    Red Hat (just the latest version plus updates)
    kernel (big disk hog, but probably worth it)

I think that's it.  This really just scratches the surface of what I'd
*like* to be mirroring, but that's another issue entirely...

So, anyway, here's the deal...  I've got an LVD SCSI controller, if
anybody wants to donate a (large) disk (or several, even better).
Otherwise, I'll stick with IDE, since the stuff in the box now is
performing wonderfully.  I'm quite fond of IBM disks (that's what's
currently in the box), so that's probably what I'd want to get.  The
75GXP drives look like they are a good price, and the performance
should be great (7200 RPM, 2MB cache, etc.).  If you want to know more
about the drives, look here:


According to Price Watch, 30GB is currently $239, 45GB is $316, 60GB
is $424, and 75GB is $533.

So, if anybody is up for kicking in a few bucks, drop me a private
email to let me know how much you think you could spare.


steve@silug.org           | Linux Users of Central Illinois
(618)398-7320             | Meetings the 4th Tuesday of every month
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.luci.org/ for more info

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