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Re: An Open Letter to Red Hat: Guidelines for Fedora Core

On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 09:04 -0500, Danny Sauer wrote:
> Fedora core is a time-based release assigned an arbitrary version number 
> after a short "feature freeze" on the packages in Fedora-current every 3-4 
> months.  That sounds an awful lot like a snapshot, though I suppose calling 
> it a release or core is fine too, if the connotation of "snapshot" is 
> irritating.

Then Red Hat Linux would also be defined as a "snapshot" as well.  It
was on-the-money when it came to "timed releases."  ;->

> "What Support is Available?
> No formal Web or phone support for The Fedora Project will be available from 
> Red Hat."

No.  I entirely agreed that _no_support_ is offered on Fedora Core.
It's one of the things that changed from Red Hat Linux, although Red Hat
Linux had been "losing support" in various ways since 2001.

> One more terminology problem, I guess.  I consider stability to mean not 
> only that the software won't crash, but that the API/ABI's won't be 
> changing around, causing software to fail.

And I agree 100% with you.

> --Danny, who moved lots of stuff to Gentoo precisely because of this whole 
> arbitrary version numbering bunch of crap

And you assume I'm not a Gentoo user?  Facinating!

Sigh, why do you have to interject "distro pissing"?
Can't we stay focused?
I'm a Gentoo user.

Besides, Gentoo is a "community ports" distro, very different
considerations from a "commercial packages" distro.  The two aren't very
comparable in approach/focus/stability.

Bryan J. Smith                                  b.j.smith@ieee.org 
Community software is all about choice, choice of technology.
Unfortunately, too many Linux advocates port over the so-called
"choice" from the commercial software world, brand name marketing.
The result is false assumptions, failure to focus on the real
technical similarities, but loyalty to blind vendor alignments.

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